Thirteen Tuesdays 2024

Thirteenth Tuesday

St. Anthony, you rejoiced in God’s mysterious ways and holy designs for your life here on earth. I thank the Lord for my own unique existence and for the people I alone can influence for good during my lifetime.

Twelth Tuesday

Light to the World: St. Anthony, you led many from darkness to light by your preaching and works of kindness. May I also become light to others and a radiant instrument of peace.

Eleventh Tuesday

Christ in the Poor: St. Anthony, you brought hope and comfort to the needy and outcast people of your day. Help me to view any problems as opportunities to grow and share myself with those in need.

Tenth Tuesday

Gospel Living: St. Anthony, you walked in the footsteps of our Suffering Savior by accepting with love the challenges of life. Help me to live in your Gospel spirit by accepting patiently whatever God permits for my own growth in holiness.

Ninth Tuesday

Our Daily Bread: St. Anthony, each day you celebrated the Sacrifice of God’s Son, the Living Bread broken and shared in love. May I nurture others by sharing my daily bread unselfishly.

Eighth Tuesday

The Gift of Love: St. Anthony, you found that the companionship of your Franciscan brothers and sisters gave you happiness and support as you spread the Gospel of “love at work.” May I be loyal and honest with my friends and respect their support.

Seventh Tuesday

A Grateful Heart: St. Anthony, you felt grateful for the countless blessings that flowed into your life from the hands of God. May I also gratefully recognize God’s presence in the events of my daily life.

Sixth Tuesday

Living Faith: St. Anthony, you carried out the daily responsibilities of your religious life with attention, care and loving faith. May I dedicate myself in the same spirit of love to the tasks God has given to me in union with Jesus.

Fifth Tuesday

Forgiveness of Sin: St. Anthony, you experienced in your ministry as a priest the power of God to heal the wounded through your touch. Heal me and my dear ones according to God’s will.

Fourth Tuesday

Sorrow for Sin: St. Anthony, in your preaching of the Gospel you proclaimed that God forgives sinners and understands our human frailty. Help me to acknowledge my trespasses against God and act as a compassionate and forgiving person.

Third Tuesday

Spirit of Renewal: St. Anthony, you were challenged by change and new experiences so many times in the course of your life. Help me not to be afraid of the changes that will take place in my own life and to realize that by dealing with them I grow in faith.

Second Tuesday

A Spirit of Prayer: St. Anthony, you lived in the midst of storm and danger and were exposed to evils, yet you kept a prayerful spirit. Keep me prayerful and surround me by your constant care.

First Tuesday

St. Anthony, you found quiet time to retreat into private communion with God to replenish your life with new strength. Help me in the midst of my busy life to seek the Spirit’s guiding presence within my heart.